
Pass Collector Paris Musées 2024

Paris Musées is launching a limited edition of its new ‘Pass Collector Paris Musées 2024’.

Enjoy unlimited visits to Paris’ museums !

Discover your benefits

Available between May and September 2024, the Pass Collector gives you the skip the line & unlimited access for 2 weeks to all the temporary exhibitions in the museums at City of Paris museums (excluding the Catacombs of Paris), as well as discounts of 5 to 10% in the museums' restaurants and bookshops.

Limited edition.

Exclusive rate of €24 per adult (free admission for accompanying adults under 18).

After purchasing online, the Collector's Pass can be collected and activated at the museum of your choice on your first visit.

Take the opportunity to also visit their collections with free access and the “Art and Sport” proposals set up as part of the Cultural Olympiad.

Get your Pass now

Handball avec Paulette Foppa, Grace Zaadi et Tamara Horacek au Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

© ForgetMat

Dispositif avec les handballeuses Paulette Foppa, Grace Zaadi,  médaillées or JO Tokyo 2021 et Tamara Horacek, médaillée argent JO Rio 2016, championnes du monde avec l’équipe de France en 2023 -  Musée d’art Moderne de Paris, 2024

Rugby avec Anne-Cécile Ciofani au Musée Carnavalet - Histoire de Paris

© ForgetMat

Deuxième Ligne avec Anne-Cécile Ciofani, désignée meilleure joueuse du monde de rugby à sept, médaillée argent JO Tokyo 2020 - Musée Carnavalet, 2024

Image JO dans nos musées

Esquive avec Enzo Lefort, escrimeur, double champion du monde, médaillé or par équipe au fleuret JO Tokyo 2020 - Petit Palais, 2023

The benefits of the Pass Collector

  1. 2 weeks' unlimited, unrestricted admission to exhibitions in the museums of the City of Paris (excluding the Catacombs)
  2. 10% discount in the cafés-restaurants of the museums
  3. 5% discount in the museums' bookshops

'Art & Sport’ exhibitions and trails to visit



Prepare your visit

Due to the large number of visitors, we strongly advise you to book a free, time-stamped ticket online at the Paris Musées ticketing service. Tickets may be purchased on site, subject to availability, during low-traffic periods only. Only advance booking guarantees entry to the exhibitions.

You can reserve a ticket at the ‘free Pass Collector’ rate on the online ticketing service for any exhibition visit.

If the exhibition capacity is full, Collector Pass holders may have to wait or reschedule their visit, subject to availability. Thank you for your understanding.

Paris Musées celebrates the Games !

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